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Edcrib Parent-Teacher Involvement in child’s Education

Edcrib Parent-Teacher Involvement in child’s Education

Historically, parent-teacher conferences have been the main forum for communication between teachers and parents. These conferences are crucial for strong relationships between the two parties who are chiefly concerned with a child’s academic and personal development. For parents, these conversations can provide greater details about challenges occurring in the classroom and will allow them to understand how […]

Edcrib – Management System

Edcrib – Management System

A management system is a set of policies, processes and procedures(step by step) used by an organization to ensure that it can fulfill the tasks required to achieve its objectives and it cover many aspect of an organization(Wikipedia). A management system is a key tool in helping to streamline your business processes and build-in efficiency. Implementation of […]

Programming vs Coding; What’s the Difference?

Programming vs Coding; What’s the Difference?

Programming is the process or activity of writing computer programs (Oxford Dictionary). Programming is a method used to develop complex digital systems. It goes beyond the simple act of writing code to devise a logical solution to a given problem. Unlike most definitions of “coding,” programming involves things like data structures and algorithms. It requires […]

EDCRIB School Management System – Benefits

EDCRIB School Management System – Benefits

Only a few SLMS(school learning and Management system) in the world today can effectively deliver a system that guarantees :- 1. Seamless interactivity communication 2. AI-driven personalized learning 3. Analytical data tracking & reporting 4. Automated messaging 5. Exam preparation and management 6. Admission process and putting up new staff information to create access on […]

Education – Academy and Skills

Education – Academy and Skills

National identity is formed by a society that exists in it. Thus, all the science of education both in terms of skills, academic and personal is very important to the country in forming the personality of youth today. Education received by students is what shapes the identity of the country where education have a substantial […]

Education, Skills and Development

Education, Skills and Development

Education develops a country’s economy and society; therefore, it is the milestone of a nation’s development. Education provides knowledge and skills to the population. Education can be regarded as systematic efforts that are built up by society in order to deliver the knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills among their group members towards an effort to […]

What Is an Education Management Information System?

What Is an Education Management Information System?

Organizations all over the world are constantly seeking ways to optimize operational standards, increase profits, reduce operational costs while eliminating leakages as well as wastage. At the core of achieving these, having a sound, result-orientated decision mechanism cannot be overemphasized. However, the question that might come to mind is “how to always make the right […]

EDCRIB – Creating Template for Auto-notification

EDCRIB – Creating Template for Auto-notification

Creating the same information for the same purpose at different time can be tiring but with this template on Edcrib, one can create/add new template as many as possible and then set it for the period at which it should notify the receiver. The school administrators can send messages to in the template that has […]

Reporting on Edcrib

Reporting on Edcrib

Have you ever gotten an overview of your entire report without stress at a glance? Or do you still prefer carrying around lots of document showing different transaction to be presented. Viewing a report or checking to see which report to view is so swift on Edcrib. Monthly report can be seen by the Admin […]

Lesson Note on Edcrib

Lesson Note on Edcrib

keeping tab on staff (teachers) updating lesson notes has never has this easy. On Edcrib, Admin/Moderator at a glance will get to see who is yet to write, when it was written, date submitted and what was written in the note-if its in line to the scheme of work as advised. More so, the lesson […]