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Adding CA and Exam Scores, Upgraded.

Upgrade is one major benefit of using Edcrib. Some months back, there were two posts on generating Results(Individual and Broadsheet). One of which was creating the column for scores to be recorded for both CA and Exam.

After looking at it from a different angle and also considering creating time, a lot of work was put in place to make it easier to input scores from the new feature included in the software(adding score per subject).

With this latest upgrade, scores can be added after the CA(midterm test) using the Create New button, and then at the end of each term Exam call the scores will be added side by side with the CA using the Get list button.

The Get list returns CA scores added in the middle of the term to edit and then input the Exam score in its column, while Create New opens blank columns for CA and Exam to input scores. After inputting both CA and Exam you can always view the broadsheet form Results as always.

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