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What Is an Education Management Information System?

Organizations all over the world are constantly seeking ways to optimize operational standards, increase profits, reduce operational costs while eliminating leakages as well as wastage. At the core of achieving these, having a sound, result-orientated decision mechanism cannot be overemphasized.

However, the question that might come to mind is “how to always make the right decision?”. Well, I am not an inspirational speaker and will not bore you with the usual “does and don’ts” in decision-making – rather I wrote this article to let you know about current trends used by organizations nowadays to make well-informed decisions.

In the first place, whatever drives your decision should at least be systematic and information-based. Making speculative decisions bears greater risks of failure and is far less proactive than having an information base that serves as guidelines for decision-making.

This information base with all its characteristics and structure is what we generally will refer to as a Management Information System (MIS).

It’s simply a data system that collects, monitors, manages, analyzes, and disseminates information about various inputs, processes, and their outcomes.( For schools in particular – students learning and performances form the core of measurable outcomes. Hence, for schools a successful MIS translates to setting up a school Management System that engenders an interplay of the various activities of the school, to produce valid education data which in turn ensures an information-based and data-driven decision-making towards achieving the ultimate goal which is to adequately educate the child while adding value to the educational value chain.

Setting up a minimal MIS for your school has become a lot easier with the introduction of various School Management Software. I must however warn that not all software products out there are great choices for you.

What makes a great choice in respect to MIS as discussed above, is a software that systematically makes available both data and information whenever and wherever they are needed. While some school management software may be so designed to discard old records to improve efficiency thereby likely leading to huge data losses, there are a few like EDCRIB ( that keep your data for a lifetime and at the same doesn’t compromise the efficiency, speed or performance of your system. Click Here to request a free trial (one full academic term) or Call – +234 90 780 700 49

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